Sunday 9 December 2012

this weeks work

so this week i got my second unit of guardsmen done so that's now all the standard infantry out of the way for the guard section of my army wooo. this unit was a bit quicker to paint as i was now used to the new paints and had the colour scheme fully worked out so there was no need to play about with it.
the pics pretty much the same as the first squad so not much to say really although i had thought i wanted to show off the whole models a bit more so here's one showing the back packs off.
this pic also allows you to see in a bit more detail the colour scheme. The main colour of all the material is a mix of 50/50 scorched brown and scab red so very dark and works well for the khornate theme of the army. one thing i have done with the whole army is remove all imperial guard symbols from the models this i think has made them look allot more renegade. I have kept the colour scheme quite simple but have spent a bit more time highlighting certain things on the model to make them stand out a bit (heads and hands) and have done little things like painting lenses on the ends of all the guns.

So after painting that lot decided to do my second vehicle the first of my 2 hellhounds, this was yet again an other classic tank for the imperial guard and works well with the theme of the army (in your face), i have no idea how these will perform within the army but what the hey its an awsome kit which i really enjoyed making  apart from removing all the eagles from it. Like the Leman Russ i didn't want to go overboard with chaosing it up so kept it all quite simple  adding bits from the marauder horse sprue  like the shield and some chains, there's also a chaos star painted on the side of the turret

so that's what i have done this week i am not sure what to paint next will probably be the platoon command or the heavy weapons squad so watch this space.

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