Friday 21 December 2012

2 Weeks later

So at the end of my last post i was saying i wanted to paint up the platoon command  this changed when i had a game and changed it around a bit so need to wait for my forge world order to turn up some time after Christmas.

I decided to move onto my next project the heavy weapons teams i do enjoy these kits but it is quite a pain removing all the guard symbols from them, so after allot of cleaning up with a knife and a few choice words they were ready to paint.
They follow the same scheme as the rest but then that's to be expected this kit allows for a little more variety to the poses used on the models which makes for a fun looking group of bad guys. I have now played a few games with the army and moved the composition of it around a bit as i learn how it all works which has meant i am adding these to the what is now a 30 man blob squad, and adding a 3 more as a heavy weapons squad for the platoon, this does mean making an other forge world order but i think it will be worth it. so 

Here's the list i am currently using
Not sure if this is the finished list just yet but its fun

After painting all these quite dark modes i wanted a bit of a change, I had seen the alternate colour scheme for the Bloodthrister from forge world so had it in my head i wanted all my deamons to be white. This would do 2 things make them stand out alot from the rest of the army and secondly be some thing i hadn't seen done with khornate deamons on a large scale.
To do the blood letters the whole model was first painted codex grey, then wet brushed with white scar, at this point all the areas i wanted to be black were then repainted codex grey. A wash of codex grey was put across the whole model to blend the white into the recesses more. 2 layers of nuln oil were applied to the black areas with a codex grey high light between each wash on the horns to do the gradient effect, next came the long part of the process re highlighting the white. after quite some time all the white was done and i could have a bit of fun on the swords, this again was a process of highlighting and then washing back down to get a good gradient of colour( tongues done in the same way), the final result i feel is quite a striking unit.

what to paint next......

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